What Can RTT Do?
By rewriting negative scripts, building confidence, shifting your mindset, and eliminating self-sabotage, RTT® empowers you to find mental freedom & create the life you've been dreaming about
Target the underlying emotional and psychological factors that contribute to addictive behaviors - and eliminate them!
From smoking, gambling, to sex & more
Career Success
Whether you are an Olympic Athlete, administrator or executive - RTT® will help enhance performance and achieve BIG goals - unlock your full professional potential
Grief & Loss
Identify unresolved emotions, reframe any negative or guilt-ridden beliefs & foster a sense of closure - ongoing coaching will support with coping strategies
Money, Abundance & Wealth
Overcoming money blockages, foster a sense of abundance & create a clear roadmap to physically make more money
Relationships, Love & Life Partners
Address self-discovery, fears & personal growth to healing from former relationships, move on after divorce & finally manifest the love of your life
Sexual Health
Create a fulfilling and satisfying intimate life by identifying underlying issues & reprogramming relevant anxieties such as performance, trauma, dysfunction, etc.
Anxiety, Anger & Stress
Uncover and transform the deep-seated beliefs and thought patterns that contribute to negative/anxious feelings - foster healthier relationships & emotional well-being
Identify the root cause, reframe negative thought patterns & begin to heal invisible emotional wounds - lift the heaviness & discover a higher quality of life
Life Purpose & Motivation
Get unstuck. Achieve great things. Feel pride & fulfillment. Drastically increase your motivation & goal-setting abilities - align with your life purpose & passion
Pain Management & Illnesses
Tap into the emotional & psychological aspects of pain perception to help alleviate chronic pain - uncover & eliminate suffering
Identify & reframe deeply-programmed negative beliefs & thought patterns, replacing them with empowerment & self-assurance - gain renewed self-worth & positive self-image
Weight Loss
Reframe beliefs that do not serve your health & program new habits to develop a positive relationship with your health - overcome self-sabotage, build a positive body image & begin long-term behaviour change