How RTT changed my life
I am Marina Theron-Monnery
C.HYP., an RTT® Practitioner and Coach
I have been where you are sitting. The theme of my entire life has been to overcome. In all truth, my mess became my message. My burning desire for many years was to somehow master my life - although it seemed the long list of things that could go wrong, went wrong.
From childhood trauma, relationship issues, financial problems, weight struggles to ultimately cancer, I have been through it all.
RTT® helped me heal and rise above it. Today I live the life I always wanted. Detached and healed from childhood trauma, in a wonderful and loving relationship, in financial flow, and in phenomenal health.
My promise to you is that if I can live a life of freedom, so can you.

What RTT Can Do
Overcome self-doubt & delete limiting beliefs
Build a sense of excitement & drive to get healthy
Eliminate feelings of stress, anxiety, depression & anger
Transform money mindset & create abundant future
Maximize focus & performance for sports or business
What is RTT ?
RTT® stands for Rapid Transformational Therapy® , a method developed by the award-winning Therapist, Marisa Peer in the UK.
RTT® embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis, cognitive behavioural therapy, psychotherapy, psychology, healing and neurolinguistic programming (or NLP) that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients.